Group: Basix
How do I become a Christian?
M. Nicholas Brady

Published: 02/25/2021
M. Nicholas Brady *
Dateline: Canton, OH


Image Credit: Rod Long on


If an inner voice is talking to you, revealing the existence of a spiritual realm and a holy God, you need to pay attention. This presence is God speaking directly to you, or more accurately, his Holy Spirit speaking directly to your spirit, inviting you to come to know God and fellowship with him.

At the same time, the voice exposes how inadequate you are to stand in his presence. Your life's shameful and despicable things stand open before him, and you are ashamed and embarrassed.

This activity is God calling you to regret your sinful behaviors, to accept the cleansing he has provided through his Son, Jesus Christ, and to become a new creature through the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.


The Bible says that the Holy Spirit of God convicts us of our sins. This conviction could happen over a long period or very quickly in a matter of minutes or seconds. When you hear that inner voice that calls out to you and encourages you to know God, this is the Holy Spirit leading you into truth.

And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment.
John 16:8 NLT

You do not have the power to save yourself. You do not have the ability to be holy and righteous before God. It is impossible for you to know God of your own accord. However, God loved us so much that he provided a way for us to know him, to not only know him but to have fellowship with him.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 NIV

Jesus, the Son of God, became a substitute for us. He endured the punishment of God for us and gave his life as a sacrifice for our sins. The blood of Jesus washes away all of our sins.

But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 1:7 NIV

How To Become A Christian?

To become a Christian, you need only accept the invitation God has initiated. Three things must take place:

  1. Repent – Through his Holy Spirit, God reveals your unworthy condition to you. Express genuine remorse for the wrongs you have committed and the people you hurt.
  2. Accept – Accept the salvation he has provided through His Son, Jesus Christ. This acceptance means that you are aware of the sacrifice that Jesus made for you, are grateful for it, and accept what God has done for you.
  3. Surrender – You surrender your will and desires to the plan of God, no longer living for yourself but living according to God's will for your life. That same voice that called you and invited you to know God will also empower and change you to be more like him.

You do all of this through prayer. Prayer is simply talking to God.

The Bible says that at that moment, you become a new creature. God doesn't take the old you and make it better; God literally makes you a new person.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

It also says that God will mark us as his own by sealing us with his Spirit.

set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
2 Corinthians 1:22 NIV

At that moment, the Holy Spirit will enter your body and begin the process of sanctification, which is the process of becoming holy. It is a slow, lifelong process. It's not something that you can do yourself. It is something only God can do. You must cooperate by allowing God to work in and through you. God works through you through the Holy Spirit that dwells within you when you become a new creature.

The more you yield to the Holy Spirit, the faster the process will develop.

Your old sinful nature and sinful desires are still there. Your old nature wants you to return to your wicked ways. You will fail many times, but Jesus died for all of your sins; past, present, and future. Your salvation is secure as long as you follow God with an intentional mindset.

It is essential to get the help of others with the spiritual maturity to help guide you on your journey. The best way to do this is to find a good Christian church. At the same time, pray to God and ask him to provide you with the right church family and an excellent spiritual mentor. He will give you both.

Sign up for our newsletter and use the Tree Top Ministries Website to learn more about God and wonderful things he has done for us through his Son, Jesus Christ.

Additionally, here are some good sound ministries to get you started out right until you can find your own church family:


Welcome to the family of Christ.


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