Group: Basix
Now that I'm a Christian, what happens next?
Author: M. Nicholas Brady
M. Nicholas Brady
Published: 02/27/2021
A broken life

You are probably asking, "Now that I've become a Christian, what happens next?" An excellent question.

It's important to understand that, when we accept Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord, we became a new creature. We are not a better version of our old self - We are literally a brand new creature!

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT

Our old nature of sin and self-gratification are still working inside of us, but at the moment of salvation, Jesus made our spirit come alive. When we accepted Christ, the Holy Spirit was deposited within our bodies as a seal showing that we belong to God.

And do not bring sorrow to God's Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.
Ephesians 4:30 NLT

The Holy Spirit, living in us, will transform our body, mind, and spirit to be holy. It is a constant, ongoing process that will take place throughout our entire lives. It's not something that we can do. Only God can make the transformation; however, by yielding to the will and power of God, our transformation can take place much faster and go much farther. If we try to do it ourselves, we will fail.

The idea of yielding to God's will and God's power is one of the essential concepts we need to develop as new Christians. Christians (and churches) are continually trying to serve God in their own capacity and strength. They try to serve God by following rules and behaviors that emulate holiness. This convention is a surefire recipe for failure.

The best way to serve God is by yielding to the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit speak through us, transform us, and empower us. Following certain practices will aid us in knowing God more intimately. Here they are:

A changed life
Change in Lifestyle
It is impossible to turn your life over to Christ and continue to live your life the way you did before. You can try, but I promise you that the Lord will convict you of any actions you are participating in that are contrary to holiness. It could be a significant change that happens all at once, or it could be small, subtle changes that take place over many years. Either way, you will no longer enjoy the lifestyle that you had before you became a Christian.

You can assist this process by praying to God asking him for guidance on building your new lifestyle. Ask him to bring new friends and relationships into your life, and he will. Yield. Expect God to respond to this prayer. Allow him to make the changes, and don't fight to hold on to your old lifestyle.

You will have many failures and setbacks. Everyone does. It is part of the process. God's Grace more than cover those bumps in the road. The devil loves to remind you of your failures so that you will give up. Shake it off and keep moving forward.

Find a Good Church
It is essential that you find a good church and attend regularly. Church will expose you to fellowship with other Believers. It will produce friends and mentors. The church is an excellent place to learn about God, serve God by volunteering, participate in activities, and a great place to meet new people. I met my wife in church.

Unfortunately, it is challenging to find a good, Bible-believing, Bible-following church today. The church has gotten involved in all sorts of factions and tangents that either distort or contradict the Bible. I will be writing a blog post or doing a video on finding a good church soon.

While you are visiting different churches trying to find the right one, I suggest that you follow one or more of these churches below, online:

These online churches mentioned above are wonderful resources for instruction and learning about Christianity; however, they are not a subsitute for attending an actual church. You and all Christians need to have regular fellowship with other Believers.

SEE MY ARTICLE: How Do I Find a Church?


Read and Study the Bible
Reading your Bible daily is one of the most beneficial practices that a Christian can do. The Bible will not only tell you the story of God's love for us, but it will also reveal God's will for our lives. God will speak to you often and powerfully through his word, the Bible.

Avoid those marathon Bible readings where you try to read through the Bible or parts of it in a certain period. Simply read a chapter a day. Start with the Book of John in the New Testament. Then move to Romans, Psalms, and Genesis. Let the Lord guide you after that.

Most of the online ministries that I mentioned above also have a free daily devotional that they will send you to help with your journey through the Bible.

SEE MY ARTICLE: How To Study the Bible


Prayer is the single most important act that a Believer can participate in to know and experience God. Prayer is standing in the presence of the designer, architect, and creator of the entire universe. Prayer consists of fellowship, worship, thanksgiving, and requests. Nothing is more intimate. Nothing is more powerful.

Prayer is your connection to the source of all things in the universe. God loves you more than a parent loves you. You can go to God with tears, anger, joy, frustration, sorrow, despair, loneliness, or gratitude and know for certain that he hears you. Prayer is the greatest of all privileges. It should be used daily and often.



Final Thoughts
It's important to understand that you will fail at "being a good Christian" thousands of times during the course of your walk with Christ. Every Christian does. Being a Christian is a growth process in holiness. We were never able to save ourselves. We needed Jesus to do that for us. Since we are unable to save ourselves without Jesus, we are also unable to keep or maintain our salvation without him. Christ died for all of our sins; past, present, and future, so don't get bogged down by your lack of perfection. Keep moving forward. Keep yielding to the power of the Holy Spirit and keep your eye on the prize at the end.

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