Main Topic: Christian Living

Spiritual Warfare

M. Nicholas Brady

M. Nicholas Brady *
Spiritual warfare is a topic that many Christians struggle to understand. Some attribute every hardship to the devil, while others dismiss his influence altogether. This blog delves into the reality of spiritual warfare—what it is, how it manifests, and its impact on our daily walk with the Spirit.
Summary Break


AI illustration of a woman walking
Spiritual battles are a part of the Christian lifestyle
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Hello Everyone,

I don’t often write about spiritual warfare—perhaps I should—but I focus on what the Spirit leads me to share. Today, I sense Him prompting me to speak on this very topic.

I briefly touched on this subject in the series Angels and the Spiritual Realm. In this blog, I’d like to explore the demonic aspect of the spiritual realm and how it affects us as Christians.

In the well-known sixth chapter of Ephesians, Paul reminds us that we are engaged in a spiritual battle. This conflict involves powers and authorities in the heavenly realms, but its effects are also felt in the physical world.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12 NIV

Let’s explore the struggle and see what it means to us in a practical sense.


AI illustration of Jesus on the cross
The shed blood of Jesus Christ has power over sin, Satan, and death
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The Blood Of Jesus

Within the Body of Christ, many place great emphasis on the shed blood of Jesus—and rightly so. His blood is undeniably powerful, for Jesus was the perfect sacrifice. His death and shed blood paid the price for our sins, cleansing us from all unrighteousness. Because of His sacrifice, we have redemption and are no longer enemies of God.

However, some misconceptions arise when discussing Christ’s victory over sin, death, and Satan—especially regarding spiritual warfare. While Jesus’ resurrection undeniably secured our victory over these forces, some Believers take this to mean we have direct power over them in ways Scripture does not explicitly support. For instance, some “plead the blood of Jesus” over sickness, trouble, and adversity, often attributing every hardship to Satan. Yet, the Bible teaches that Believers are influenced not only by the devil but also by the world and the flesh.

Notably, Scripture never mentions the practice of pleading the blood of Jesus. Those who engage in this ritual sometimes treat His blood as a weapon, wielding it as if it grants them personal authority over Satan. This approach can foster an attitude of arrogance, leading some to believe they can directly engage in battle with the enemy simply by invoking Christ’s blood. While the blood of Jesus is central to our redemption and victory, its application should align with biblical truth rather than tradition or assumption.

But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”
Jude 1:9 NIV

If an archangel would not take authority over Satan, Christians probably shouldn’t either.

The Sons of Sceva

In the Book of Acts, there’s a curious story often referred to as the "Sons of Sceva" (Acts 19:13-16). Sceva was a Jewish priest in the city of Ephesus, and he had seven sons. These sons witnessed Paul casting out demons in the name of Jesus and decided to try it themselves. For a time, their attempts seemed successful.

But one day, an evil spirit responded to them:

“Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?”
Acts 19:15b NIV
The spirit then attacked the seven sons, overpowering them and causing them to flee from the house, bleeding and naked (Acts 19:16).

The lesson here is that while the name and blood of Jesus hold immense power—bringing deliverance and transformation—we cannot treat it like a magic formula to fix all problems. It is not something to be wielded carelessly, but a powerful force that demands reverence, faith, and guidance from the Holy Spirit.


AI illustration of soldiers coming out of a mist
Spiritual warfare is fought in the spiritual realm
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What Is Spiritual Warfare?

The devil is a destructive force, fully aware that he has already lost the battle against God. His ultimate fate—eternal destruction in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10)—is sealed. Enraged by his impending doom, he seeks to inflict as much harm as possible, aiming to weaken and mislead God’s people. His goal is to take down as many Christians as he can:

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
1 Peter 5:8 (NKJV)

Satan’s attacks on Christians reveal the depth of our relationship with God. He targets Believers because they are precious to God, and in doing so, he seeks to strike at what matters most to the Him. These attacks are Satan's attempt to hurt God by going after those He loves.

Contrary to what some might imagine, Satan does not typically manifest in obvious horrors like chainsaw-wielding murderers or grotesque, bloodthirsty creatures lurking in the shadows. Instead, he operates in the light through what appears to be attractive, desirable, and beneficial—subtly drawing us away from God’s path. His primary weapon is temptation, not direct confrontation. While temptation can lead to spiritual downfall, it is not the same as spiritual warfare. Understanding this distinction is crucial: resisting temptation is part of our spiritual walk, but true spiritual warfare involves standing firm against the enemy’s deception, accusations, and schemes that seek to undermine our faith.

Satan’s aim in spiritual warfare is to discourage us.

His goal is to take away our hope. He will bolster that discouragement in any way he can via spiritual and secular methods. The weight will be subtle but heavy:

  • You’ve been praying for your drug addict son to be delivered from drugs, but he’s currently in the emergency room of your hospital being treated for a drug overdose.
  • You are barely making it financially. Your manager pulls you into their office and tells you the company will lay off some people, and you are in the first cut.
  • You are a married woman with a deep respect for your Pastor. During a private counseling session with him, he makes a pass at you.
  • Your automobile mechanic tells you your car will need a new transmission costing $3,800. You have $121.38 in your checking account.
  • Your wife, the love of your life, tells you she’s leaving you for another man.
  • Your daughter tells you she’s a lesbian.
  • Unanswered Prayers

There are a myriad of things that bring discouragement to our lives. Satan is fully aware of our hopes, fears, and situations. In spiritual warfare, he uses his intimate knowledge of us to crush us with disappointment, oftentimes with multiple events.

The attack will almost always come to you from out of the blue. It will be inopportune and unexpected. It will make your heart heavy and take your breath away.

When your life is being crushed by discouragement and disappointment, you are under spiritual attack.


AI illustration of woman soldier walking through a swamp
The devil knows us and knows how to mess with our lives to bring about maximum disappointment and discouragement
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How Do You Do Battle?

Recognize the Attack: Understand that spiritual attacks always target our will to go on. The enemy uses different tools to create discouragement—whether through negative thoughts, temptation, doubts, or even physical or emotional struggles. Whatever the means, the attack is designed to discourage you – to make you give up. Recognizing you are under attack is the first step.

Use the Word of God: Jesus himself used Scripture to counter Satan’s attacks (Matthew 4:1-11). When you’re faced with spiritual battles, Look to God’s promises.

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
Romans 8:37 NIV

Resist the Devil: James 4:7 encourages believers to resist the devil. This involves standing firm in your faith and not yielding to lies. Sometimes, that means actively choosing not to entertain thoughts or behaviors that align with the attack.

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:7 NIV

Guard Your Heart and Mind: Protecting your heart and mind from negative or unholy influences is critical. Focus on things that are pure, lovely, and praiseworthy. Fill your thoughts with God's truth and promises. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:7-8 NIV

Seek Fellowship: Spiritual attacks often thrive in isolation. Stay connected with fellow Believers through prayer groups, church, or Christian community. Others can offer support, prayer, and wisdom in the battle.

Prayer: Jesus gave Believers authority over the enemy:
I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
Luke 10:19
Speak prayers of authority over your life based on the promises of God.
Trust in God’s Authority: Remember that Satan has no authority over a Believer unless you allow him to. Trust that Christ has already defeated Satan through His death and resurrection (Colossians 2:15). You are secure in God's sovereignty, and nothing can separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39).


AI illustration of Satan’s head
The devil's goal is to crush our spirits, make us give up, and abandon God
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Final Thoughts

When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit carried him into the wilderness to be tempted. We all know the story. Jesus resisted the devil, using the Word of God, and the devil left him. However, the Book of Luke says:

When the devil had finished every temptation, he [temporarily] left Him until a more opportune time.
Luke 4:13 NIV

The devil is an opportunist. He takes advantage of our weakened state, often a state orchestrated by him. Many Christians see the devil in everything bad, but that's not necessarily true. Evil also comes from our flesh and the world (James 1:14). Some troubles, like hurricanes, come because of the curse.

The point is that the devil is strategic in his attack. He is also subtle. We usually don’t recognize we are under attack until we are completely surrounded and fully engaged. The quintessential ingredients of a spiritual attack are always discouragement and disappointment. If you are experiencing either or both of those things, you are under attack and need to take the steps listed above.

God Bless!


Questions For Further Study

  1. What does the Bible say about the proper use of spiritual authority?
  2. How can Christians discern between attacks from the enemy, their own flesh, and the world?
  3. What is the role of community in spiritual warfare?
  4. What are the theological implications of spiritual warfare for the daily life of a Christian?
  5. How do we reconcile God’s sovereignty with the presence of evil in the world?


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